Friday, January 30, 2009 Y 11:10 AM Labels: Happy Chinese new Year in 2009 Thursday, January 29, 2009 Y 4:35 PM The very first thing i do in the morning is ponned schl. Then call Dear. Nauh at bedok. Then chat with a uncle. Then tke bus to tamp. then then then then.................................... Erms meet Dear. Then went to three hundered plus. Nuah at there. There went to bedok. Go wait for benson and Yankai at Yuneng outside. Went home. Nuah at home. then went out to tamp to eat sushi. Then went up to dear hose.(: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 Y 10:53 PM Today didnt went to schl. Slack at Bedok. Then smsed ahwei. Ask him help me buy cigg. Then went edu meet him Then walk to bedok res blk 628. Then meet cousins. Then cabbed to Eastcoast. Was like calling Dear for a long time! Then from Area C cabbed to Area E. To find AH BEE! Ha. Cabbed here Cabbed there. Rich right? Haa. Then it was really that sian! Then walk back to Area c. Then rent double bike and cousin rent bades. (: Then Cousins were DAMN mafan luhs. Then let me wait under the sun. Fcuk. Then bring them to th safty place. Then brother and me ride to area E. Then find ah bee talktalk smke smke. Then ride back to refund everything. Then play sea water luhs. Then Qiqi drop to the water. Ha. I knw i got many many THEN! Erms tke cab to my house. Qi bath. I Bathe. Erms nuah awhile. Then went to meet dear at 109 thr. Then Walk to my house. Nobody in. Nuah with dear. Then. then...... Went dwn cause mum cming back. aft awhile, i went up to do things. Then cme dwn awhile cause upstair having war. Then went up. Erms, Then bring cousin to tke bus. then went mac to buy things. Walked hme. Kanna scold out loud by mum in public. Sibeh Lame lars. Then went to uncle house eat. Then abt 10 go home. Then bathe . FUCK! I got sunburn! Over my leg, arms, body, face! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Then cant really contact Dear. Cause he never reply. Then went to edu. To LAN LAN LAN! (L) Always saw Sex partner this two word in his blog! AHHHHH. ha, must chear up cause is CNY. Reply to Tagg WANQYAN Haiyohrs, You which wanqyan? Wang hong sister or?... Anything bahrs(: NATALYA HELLOS, I miss you so muchhhh. Free time go out shopshop(: Sk. Hellos, Di! Iloveyou too! Labels: Amelila kanna SUNBURN Sunday, January 18, 2009 Y 3:20 PM ![]() Well. I saw this? Idk lars. Okays? Shld i let go? Is like nt before th day we stead okays? Is th time we alrdy stead? Well, my heart is damn pain. I cant take it lers. Everything must wait till you wake. What is this world going on? Yesterday. Talk with Dear at midnight. Actually wanna talk to him until tmr. Then suddenly my card no mney so cant call in. Dear, Sorry. Sad. Went to sleep. Morning wakeup. Ask mum help me top up. Then was like waiting for his call. Went online. But he said he 24 hour online de. But he offline. Dear, Are you alright? Are you okays? All you still sleeping? Sorry to make you worry. Okays? I'm sorry. Call me can? I need you! Then wasnt in th mood today. Cant smke, Cant listen to Dear voise. Why is it like that? I hate this alright? Then go down eat. No mood to eat. No mood to shop. Went home and wait. No mood. Every thing no mood. Maybe he changed? MOODLESS. Labels: MOODLESS. Y 12:53 AM Today. Wake up. Went dwn to eat breakfast. Then come back home to change. Went down to meet beehan. Then, Buy cigg. Then go home. went to Amk. Then tke bus to sing ming rd. Then they was like alrdy there. Then pai pai all that. Then they burn all those thing. House, Car, servant. I was like crying with Grace. Reallly crying again. Then went home. Go buy mac eat. Filet-o-Fish. Then they never give the fries. then called to complain. Then they send here. Currently at Cousin's house. Boyf! I really love you. Ytd the thing i wnt forget, kays? I will like really thing abt it de. And give you th answer. And you today sound wierd kays? Friday, January 16, 2009 Y 12:04 PM Yesterday was our day. All those thing that you suspect. Is you suspect. As in me, I wnt do all those thing. Today sibeh swuay siahl. Never go schl. Father knw. Then Kanna beat by him like hell. Not pain at all, kays? Was trainning. Ha, Seriously not pain luhs. My brother was fine. Cause he was like avoiding him. Hidding himself under th bed. Suah. I was at th fault too. Then he say tmr muz go schl. Then tmr is sat want me go schl? Ehs, pleasee lars! You go yourself lars. Who will at schl entertain you siahl? Then ltr going town to meet Joannes. Cant meet boyf lers. Maybe go town then buy studd bahrs, Boyf, I promise i will love you till th day. I will. So dont worry. Kays? Wednesday, January 14, 2009 Y 10:38 AM Yeserday Didnt sleep the whole night. Then went down to buy things to eat. Come back home. Beehan message . Bathe. Then went to her house downstair to meet her. Then walk to singsong. Wna buy black haispray. It cost me 11.30=a dye, Then meet beehan and jx. Then went to schl. Ytd was my first day of school. Is like many things happened. Fatin came back to shl, only sec2? 2A was seperate. I am register 2? Ms ong was my form tcher? Mdm yao was my chem tcher? My class was last year 2B's class? AndAnd. I was still in th holiday mood now? Wateva. Today ![]() Happy birthday to you. Although now we are in the different class. But You still my frenw, kays? One year older lers. You wil recieve a belated birthday present frm me. Love you. Today didnt went to schl. Then was kanna found out buy mother's frenw? Fuck. Cheebye siahl. Then 12 then can go home. LOLS. Was reading Jianwei's blog just now. Erms, Why he mention so many charbor's name? He played? But faitful? Idk what he mean okays? Well, maybe idk too. Why you havent wake up yet? I need to ask you many things. You knw? Sunday, January 11, 2009 Y 12:46 PM Today going home. Was revise my math just now. So later going woodland take bus. Ken called me just now. But jianwei didnt reply my msg. Kind of sad. Was thinking of him(: Love him luhs. :D Was talking with leeying just now. Found out that leeying is my best listener. Luv her too. Update next time(: All this are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday pic. ![]() Y 12:59 AM Ytd night didnt sleep at all. Then was like not that tired lars. So i was revising my math. Ten they wake up. Bathbath. Went down to tke cab to marine parade. Mama paid those bills. Then went to eat. Bo dai bo ji walk walk jiu fall down. Hais, Every time like that): Used to it liao. Can? Then jiu went to parkway parade. Saw baggy but she not buying or me. Then went to take shuttle bus to bedok. Went to inter. Chasing for bus. Then Beehan call me. I reply so i cant get th chance to hop on the bus. Then. Had to wait luhs. Sleep in bs like a pig. Reach wooodland. Take mrt to Yew t. Buy thing to eat. Go to my cousin house. Then bath jiu on aircorn. Sleep. 10.30 wakeup eat dinner. Then play laptoop till now! Then was watching Twilight hal way. Edward cullen is so beautiful. Now going watch :D Labels: Jianwei are loved Monday, January 5, 2009 Y 11:35 AM Change url lers. Somehow I love th name Ahkei better. Haahs. Today going home. Not going school today. Feel like quitting school man. Continue bahrs. Reach sec3 lers. Arbor jiu waste 2years of secondary life. Can stand until where jiu stand until where. Hopefully can graduate from secondary. I long time never smoke lers okays? All those coughing lars. Because of never smoke for long. Later maybe meeting Joanne. Also not sure luhs. Sian dey. Also noting to do. Then BORED. Hais. Hais. I want Cigg man. Went to woodland bought tognue piercing needle. And studd. Went to the toilet to pierce. Actually cant pierce de. i use a grat force to push the stud then jiu go in liaos. Happy man. Then went home. Tot come back bedok jiu hui you cigg. In the end donthave. Beehan went home. Then go home rest awhile, Come edu play. Tmr going to school! Who going with me? But not studying. Go meet principle. Then later still have to dye back my hair colour. I cant bear it siahl. Nehmind next holiday then dye. Y 2:16 AM ![]() Finally change to navigator. Had been stress here luhs. Keep do math. And the question is a 'stranger' to me. Nehmind, Then i copy the answer. Heck care liaos. Then sms-ed Joannes. Wanted to meet her at CCK. But i was too late. So she went to her boyf house first. Then actually wanna meet at jurong point. While waiting.I went to meet Girlfriend(Jason) and Terry. Then she said she unable to meet me. Then go take ID photo with him. Take lers jiu dontknow walk arnd Jurong point for dontknow how many rounds. All thanks to my beloved Girlfriend lars! Tired like hell. Go back to the shop take photo. He dontwant let me see! -.- Sad. Then go home. Go shop alone better. Got he as a stead ahs. Confirm die! Then bought things. Jiu take mrt home. Reach home do math again. S-T-R-E-S-S. Tmr maybe meetin Joanne. Hope can meet her luhs. Tmr not going to school. Cause got camp. Tuesday not going to school cause got hospital appointment. Shuang daoooooo~~ Friday, January 2, 2009 Y 11:31 PM Yesterday Is like everyday th shifu need to come and talktalk. Is getting boring. Everyday wait for xiaokit to come(: I was missing you. in thh Went to grandma house to sleep cause no space. Today Early in th morning 7a.m wakeup. IS SCHL DAY! But not going to schl. Is th last day of th funeral. I feel like going schl. Take cabbe to funeral. Eataeat. Wait for everyone to come. Is really sahd. Shifu ask us to gather and he start praying. Aft that, we was walking arnd th coffin. I starting to burst into tears. Bt i keep into my heart. After walking in rounds. I cant hold my tears. And start crying, Cousin saw and gave me tissue. That time i was start thinking of th days i was in hospital with her. Th coffin was moved out! THE COFFIN WAS MOVED OUT! AUNT! Wake up, will you? Pushed th coffin's car to th road. And was keep crying. Grace cry with me. Went up to bus. Going mandai. Went in Hall. Shifu pray agian. The last time we will be with her. Th person lead us to VIEWING HAll. I cry i cry. We saw her with our eyes that she moved into th 'oven'. Everyone was crying and calling her. But i cry until spechless. I almost faint. Biaoge, Xinku lers. Everyone almost know how you feel today althought you didnt show out. JYJY! After that everything was settle down. |
Biography ![]() ♡ AmeliaCheng. ♡ Sweet Fourteen going Fifteen. ♡JianWei's, ♡ SOTA; my dream schl. Friendster Acc. ![]() My dear, Jianwei. I do really love you but, you always think that, i dont love you engf. 150109, 8.15pm. ![]() Althought, i didnt spent much time with your I know your will be a good, funny&cute class. Friendly 3F'09 Craving TRUE LOVE. Beehan and Jinxiang last long Angela and Kailun last long (L) Boyfriend. Djmax. Endless money. More freedom. MP3 player. New computer. New handphone. Hair: Rebonding. Piercings: Eyebrow piercing. Nose piercing. Re-piercing of lip. Tops: Hoodies. Blue Tube. Black Tube. Another red cardigan. Batman tee. I♥NY tee. Bottoms: Lime colour FBTS. Different colours of hotpants. Speak Runaway My Boyf, Jian wei. ♥A Amanda. Ann Chen. Angela. Annie. Alan. Amelia. Axel. ♥B Beehan . Billy ♥C Carrisa. Charlotte. Charmaine. ♥D Dennise. Dionis. ♥E Emelyn. EugeniaCheng. Elvy. ♥F FaFa. Felicia. ♥G Grace. ♥H Huihui. ♥J Jacqueline. Jenny. Jezrika Jin xiang. Jocelyn. Jolene. ♥K Khairaa. ♥L Laozhabor. Leeying. Linda. ♥M Mangting. ♥P Peiyi. ♥Q Qiuheng. ♥R Rannie. Roubing ♥S Siman. Siyun. Sharon. SongEn ♥T Tiffany. Tiqaa ♥W Wanghong. Wenn. ♥X Xiaofu. Xiaokitt. Xueqing. Xiufeng. Rewind August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 February 2010 March 2010 June 2010 August 2012 April 2016 June 2016 July 2016 August 2016 Thanks Basecode: /♥s}summerkisses} Designer: ♥bangthewall. |