Wednesday, November 26, 2008 Y 2:26 PM MOODLESS in process Labels: love you th most. Y 12:41 AM Today wasnt in th mood. Quarrel with bee th whole day. MOODLESS!== Labels: Bee, i still love you. Monday, November 24, 2008 Y 4:46 PM Today going home lers. Today feel like many things to say to do. But dontknow how im gonna to say, to do. Ltr go back bedok to meet S.beehan. Then at night meetig Bee. I hopee he wnt forget to call me. Im afraid. I dntknw why. Today wakeup, Watch tv. Eateat then watch tv. Then play laptop. I also dntknw what to do siahl. Listen to song. Blog. Friendster. Msn. Still got what? Sian la. Holiday is so sian. Ltr bath packpack jiu go lers. BEDOK, I coming(: Nothing to post lers.:D Edited Well, went to woodland to buy drinks. Then tke 168 hme. Then go buy dinner. Went hme to eat. Sms bee. Then Mum hme. I went dwn to edu:D Tmr going to cck again:D To tke my charger. Labels: boreeed Sunday, November 23, 2008 Y 2:44 AM 22nov. Thanks Seenkang(Di), to pei me when i'm bored. He is th best person that would understand me. Ad th best person to entertain me when i'm sad. He somehow th best di i ever have. Althought i only have one! But he is good ok. Tht time nt becayse of him. I and Raymond de happiess is he gave de. But nw also no use les. I belong to others. Ahiyahs. Then today went to bedok because bee ask me to meet hime there. Then I tke mrt to bedok. Is like damn far. Frm CCk to bedok. Wtf, is far lars. The reach bedok lers. Go buy hairband. Then go buy drinks. Tke bus to beehan house downstair. Meet Beehan. Tke umbrella to go meet Jx. Smkesmke. Smke finish went to my house to slack. Then slack until seven thirty like that. Then pei Beehan home. Then went to tke mrt back cck. Bee, Where're you? Then keep spamming bee handphone. Then he keep never answer. Reach cousin's home. Eateat le jiu go bath. Bee. i miss you. Then play laptop. two something. Bee called me and said that he just wakeup. i tot what siahl. he sleeping nt avioding me. I became happy lers. Then talk with him awhile. He jiu went for movie. Then msg half way i jiu sleep le. 23nov. Midnight i was sleeping then bee called me. Th first time there someone can wake me up. He asked me to get up to urine. Lame right? Haahs. Then i uhs uhs uhs. Like that then he asked me wakeup msg him. Then wakeup, th first call is my cousin. Then second call is my mother. My grandmaa ytd went hospitalised. She ytd night cant breath proberly. Then went to hospital. Actually dont want to visit her. Then suah go visit her then can go TPY meet Bee. Then tke mrt to TPY. heng got seat. Then can sit dwn relax. Reached lers TPY, tke thirty to Bee house. Called him to come down. Then i found out that th plastic bag i tke is th plastic bag for bra. Bee come down and asked me why siahl? Why you tke this plastic bag. Then i said how i know. Then asked him help me tke. He dntwant. Then Suah luhs. Help him tke to his house. Then went out slack. But He forget to tke his cigg then go home tke again. Then went to slack until seven. Go tke bus to TPY inter. Bee, i will miss you de. Tke mrt to novena. Kanna scold by mother. Readers, No worry! My grandmaa is alright. Then went dw to eat dinner. Went up again, pei grandmaa awhile jiu go sq2 to see couple ring. I saw a couple ring damn nice. But 149! Wtf. Nehmind, I save ! Then go to Vilo city. To buy preasent for bee. I bought you my love:D. Then tke met back. Stop at sembawang went to sunplaza play arcade. Benson, Sorry i forget you. Then tke mrt to cck. Reach cousin's home at ten twentyfive. Nice timming. Then jiu bath. Watch tv and play laptop. 01.09 lers. Bee, HappyBirthday to you. Love you with my heart. Labels: Missingyou Saturday, November 22, 2008 Y 1:20 PM Bee, I'm going to love you for sure. I edited all this photo. Nice is nice but wate my time, bodoh! ahiyahs, is worth it de lars. So nice.
Y 1:10 PM Thursday, November 20, 2008 Y 10:59 PM Found all this at web. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Today morning was at my cousin house. I was sleeping at my cousin house ytd. Then ytd was Paul's birthday. Then me and my brother made a card for him. Then th card like kindergarden made de. Haahs. Then he accept it. We was like so happy. Haahs. then didnt celebrate much. Then this year i didnt have my cake siahl. Walaus! Then siansian. Then afternoon, bring my brother back to home. Then dont need to go back to to ywee tee. My cousin dontwant me to run here run there. So stay at home. Then ltr still need to face my dad. Then Sian lars. Still need to come edu. I wish i will stay thr forever. Baby, I miss you. is been four days lers. Didnt meet you so many days lers. Sooooooooooooooo miss you. Can you wake up of your dream and be with me? Wednesday, November 19, 2008 Y 12:09 PM From the very Begining, Should love be like this? Will this true love happened on us? Y 12:41 AM Labels: Stupid photo Tuesday, November 18, 2008 Y 12:39 PM 泪水将我淹没 到底谁该难过 究竟是谁放掉 这段感情 我才终于明白 办不到的承诺 就成了枷锁 现实中幸福永远缺货 请告诉她 我不爱她 笑着难过 自我惩罚 想终止这 一切挣扎 横了心说真心谎话 别告诉她 我还想她 恨总比爱容易放下 当泪水堵住了胸口 就让沉默 代替所有回答 我才终于明白 办不到的承诺 就成了枷锁 现实中幸福永远缺货 请告诉她 我不爱她 笑着难过 自我惩罚 想终止这 一切挣扎 横了心说真心谎话 别告诉她 我还想她 恨总比爱容易放下 当泪水堵住了胸口 就让沉默 代替所有回答 我不爱 我不痛 我不懂 我的心早已掏空 真心话言不由衷 请告诉她 我不爱她 笑着难过 自我惩罚 想终止这 一切挣扎 横了心说真心谎话 别告诉她 我还想她 恨总比爱容易放下 当泪水堵住了胸口 就让沉默 代替所有回答 别告诉她 我还想她 就让沉默 代替所有回答 我还想她Lyrics. Well, Today is my birthday. There only some peoplel wish me happy birthday. The important thing that i want is you to bring me out. Well, Is like today i will live on with my normal ife without you. I miss you. I rather run away with you then at home wait for your call. Is like waiting for nothing. Or 你在也不要我了?你知到我还想着你吗?Today is my birthday. I just wish you will call me and wish me a happy birthday. I dont need you to be by my side. Just a sentence, is it so difficult?If it is i dont have words to give out le. Ltr going to my cousin house. Go cck to celebrate my birthday.My cousin and my Mother is the best womman in the world. Luv your. Then stay over night at my cousin house. So contact by phone. Will not going out again! Monday, November 17, 2008 Y 12:59 PM I've been sick this few days lers. Cough and flu. Whatthehell. Who can help me siahl? Then i told bee that i sick. He doesnt seem to care. Then ask Leeying to help me edit my blog skins. Finally, My blog is Fresh lers. Is like the previous skins i used it for month(s) lers. Everyone will be sick and myself will be sick. Thanks to Chia Leeying. The only thing i dont like is the post backgrnd luhs. Nehmind, I just change th fronts colours jiu can. Then I run-away frm home for like two days. This two days. I've been with bee. There many things happen within this two days. Im scare nw. Im really tired nw. I didnt sleep lers. Then while i was with bee. I was thinking of you.I dont know what happen. Maybe i just too tired bahrs. Shld be. Then went to bee house, ytd. To bath and changed. Then Bee send me home. I pei bee to wait for 225. Then he went to meet tobi to Interview. I just wish that tobi will get out of our life. Dontknw why. He like between of us. Ltr meeting Bee. I miss him damn much. Going to Tpy. Luv you! Labels: I miss your kiss. Thursday, November 13, 2008 Y 11:15 PM Today was bored like hell lars! I wake up, went dwn to buy food. Then called Beehan. They went to my house. Slackslack then tke cab to pasiris park to see which BBQ pit to book. Then Book at pit 44. Area3. Can ton lers. Haahs. Then we walk dwn to to roads. Then saw a cab. Tke cab back to my house. Then we went to my house to slack. Sleepsleep. Play psp. Then went dwn to eateat. Then eat finish. Then went to nlk Fivetwofive to smkesmke. Then Went to buy drinks jiu go hme lers! Then waited for my brother at home. Then went to singsong to buy BBQ thing. And food. Tmr will br a exiciting days lers!WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTS! HAAHS. i wish you to be my side. Really. I want you to be by my side. Tmr sur tke cab there. Labels: You're loved Thursday, November 6, 2008 Y 10:08 PM Today went out to watch tv. Watch th coffin. Is scarey want lars. nothing to postt. Byeb Wednesday, November 5, 2008 Y 10:56 PM Happy Birthday to ♥MATHEW EU. Althought somethime i really hate you. But I want to wish you a happybirthday. Loveyouzxzxzx. Well, today is a happy day. Really. I pon-ed with benson and mathew. Then we taked bus 197 to Jurong. Then tke 335 frm jurong to chinese garden, For swimming(:. Well, Then i leave them and went to shoppe. Haahs. Loves them. Then meet them. Went to tke mrt luhs, Mathew drop at kembagang. We drop at bedok. Tke bus hme. Then cycle to Edupath. Tot wil be seeying youzxzx* there. But never. Then saw staniel. Called ahji to help me buy cigg. Went with hime. Then go hme smke luhs. Then after awhile went to tke bus to kembagan. Then meet Birthday boy. Brng us to his uncle house. Reach thr liaos. Then my sliper drop in th drain siahl! Then went in to room. Watch tv. birthdayboy oder pizza. Pizza cme. Eateat lers. Jiu cake luhs. First time i sing birthday song to ppl. Because i lovezxzx you. Then jiu went to busstop to tke bus. Tke7. To inter. Walk hme. Then walk by 517, Saw him. Im really happy dey. Thhen end in edu. Labels: happyhappy. Tuesday, November 4, 2008 Y 7:39 PM I cycle In th morning. At 6am. Cycle to tampiness stadium. Then U-turn back headed to bedok. Reach home at 7am. Then went to collect thingy. Monday, November 3, 2008 Y 5:27 PM Well today wakeup at three something. Because ytd sleep at five. Blog shopping with jocelynG. Then wakeup lers my pillow, blanket and dolly at th floor. Ha, Again. Th reason they were at th floor because. I sleep until V. shuang. Th aircorn damn cool while rainning outside. So i wakeup lers. Brush teeth&wash face. Boil milo. And eat sanwishes. Went back to my room. Watch tv. Borrow laptop. Then go and bath-ed. Going home today. I miss beehan, cigg, my bed, my baby, my hamster. MISSES THEM. But i meeting my mum at woodland. Wanted to buy something. Piercing needle bahr. Then I bought three thing on blogshop. A huge pink bandle. A cartoon hoodie, A fbts lime shorts. They cost me thirty plus lars. Then all need money. I need money also. Everyone is despo abt money. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Going to broke liaos lars. Labels: Going homeeey. Y 3:37 AM 1. Besides your lips, where is your favorite spot to get kissed? -Cheeks 2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning? -Fectup, 3. Who was the last person you took a picture of? 4. How often do you see your ex? Quite often. 5. Would you ever donate blood? -Yes, if im healthy 6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex? -Yes 7. Do you want someone dead? -No, who wants? 8. What does your last text message say? -Who are you. I havent sleep yet. 9. What are you thinking about right now? -My classmate when we were in primary6. 10. Do you wish someone was with you right now? -Of course. My ex. 11. What time did you go to sleep last night? -4am. 12. Where did you buy the shirt you're wearing now? -I didnt buy it. I t belog to my cousin. 13. Is someone in your mind right now? 14. Have you ever been in a hotel room with a friend of the opposite sex? -No. 15. Who was the last person to call you? When ? -Mother. 0134 16. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? -Maybe, maybe not. 17. What are you listening to right now? -Loved to be love by you. By marc terenzi 18. Did you sing at all today? -Yahs, this song. 19. When's the last time you cried? -Yesterday. 20. Who were you with yesterday? 21. Do you miss anyone? -Yahs. 22. Have you ever drank with your number one? -no bahrs. 23. If someone liked you right now would you want them to tell you? -He already told me. 24. Do you want someone you can't have? -No. 25. When did you last talk to your brother or sister? 0134 26. Where were you at 2:02 am this morning? -Bedroom. 27. What was the first thing you thought this morning? -Smsing 28. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 months from now? -No. 29. Do you want to tell someone something? -Yes. 30. What do you want to tell him/her? -I hate you for what you had done to me. But i'll miss you. Y 1:41 AM ![]() Sunday, November 2, 2008 Y 11:38 PM Well, we didnt eat sushi. First is many peepers. Secod i'm full. Then we went to eat MOF. Eat th icecream llike whatthehell. Then big lars. Got tangyuan, mocha flvoured icecream, Valina flavoured icecream, Redbean, Jelly. I ant finish because there red bean. I hate redbean. Then jiu cant finish mahs. We went off. To buy bread for tmr morning. Then went to shopshop. Bored. Rather blog shopping. Morecheaap that th market prise. Then is can dont move. Bought a monkey at minitoons. Damn happy. Cabbed to Cousin house. Then saw her. Sayang her. Take lift to house. eateat. Watch tv. Bath, brush teeth. Play laptop. Labels: Happy day:D Y 4:23 PM Eating Sushi ltr. So will be out at 6pm. Y 4:23 PM Eating Sushi ltr. So will be out at 6pm. Y 1:12 PM ![]() Well, today didnt sleep well. Because my cousin tell me everything that i need to do today. Then She gave me fifteen dollar to eat lunch and dinner. Then i sleep back. But i coudnt. I watch tv. Then theycame back. Put th phone beside me. I wakeup. Normal luhs. Brush teeth. Wash face. Then boil milo. Eat sandwishes. While listening to Rollin stones song. Pauel bring it out Eat finish lers. Play laptop. Then my cousin went out. Who can cme out too? Labels: Missingyouzxzx. Saturday, November 1, 2008 Y 7:58 PM Well, today went to find Weizhong at his house. Take bus14. Saw pohyng and her friend on th bus. I miss her so much, We talktalk. I miss th talking. Then she reached marine. She drop. I drop at tiongbahru plaza. Then actually is go and find his comp. Reach thr keep playing comp. Shuang lars. Then say wanted to visit his grandmother. After that i slack at his house. I watched 'mean girl', Is nice. I wantched it again althought i watched. Is really nice. Then watche finish lers. We take mrt. He take to bukit panjiang.I take to yweetee. To find my cousin and go to her huse and stay. I reached there i called her. Then she said she will be reaching in five min. So i waited for her at taxi stand. Sunddenly i miss izwan. She came then, She pulled me to NTUC. We went to buy 'clean & clear' foame. Then i bought Filet-o-Fish meal. Then she help me to topup my phone. Nut i dint bring here. Sianzxzx lars. Reached her house. Then jiu eateat. I bath. Watch Tv. Play laptop. Then jiu end up in th room. PS: Iloveyou althought you seem to hate me, Althought you gaveup your future stead but i knw You still love her. You will not give up on her. Maybe i think, Or maybe i know you too well. I wish to go back to th past that we first meet. |
Biography ![]() ♡ AmeliaCheng. ♡ Sweet Fourteen going Fifteen. ♡JianWei's, ♡ SOTA; my dream schl. Friendster Acc. ![]() My dear, Jianwei. I do really love you but, you always think that, i dont love you engf. 150109, 8.15pm. ![]() Althought, i didnt spent much time with your I know your will be a good, funny&cute class. Friendly 3F'09 Craving TRUE LOVE. Beehan and Jinxiang last long Angela and Kailun last long (L) Boyfriend. Djmax. Endless money. More freedom. MP3 player. New computer. New handphone. Hair: Rebonding. Piercings: Eyebrow piercing. Nose piercing. Re-piercing of lip. Tops: Hoodies. Blue Tube. Black Tube. Another red cardigan. Batman tee. I♥NY tee. Bottoms: Lime colour FBTS. Different colours of hotpants. Speak Runaway My Boyf, Jian wei. ♥A Amanda. Ann Chen. Angela. Annie. Alan. Amelia. Axel. ♥B Beehan . Billy ♥C Carrisa. Charlotte. Charmaine. ♥D Dennise. Dionis. ♥E Emelyn. EugeniaCheng. Elvy. ♥F FaFa. Felicia. ♥G Grace. ♥H Huihui. ♥J Jacqueline. Jenny. Jezrika Jin xiang. Jocelyn. Jolene. ♥K Khairaa. ♥L Laozhabor. Leeying. Linda. ♥M Mangting. ♥P Peiyi. ♥Q Qiuheng. ♥R Rannie. Roubing ♥S Siman. Siyun. Sharon. SongEn ♥T Tiffany. Tiqaa ♥W Wanghong. Wenn. ♥X Xiaofu. Xiaokitt. Xueqing. Xiufeng. Rewind August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 February 2010 March 2010 June 2010 August 2012 April 2016 June 2016 July 2016 August 2016 Thanks Basecode: /♥s}summerkisses} Designer: ♥bangthewall. |