Sunday, March 23, 2008 Y 9:12 PM today went out with ,joanne.TAN, my cousin . then we meet at fareast's KFC . then we went to buy belt and wallet . then went to plaza singapura . we go there play then slackslack after her's mother call . then .ie went home by taking bus luhs . quite bored along . then went hom e . ie called my mum . she at interchange while came back frm there . WTF . then we went ther again . in the proceess we went to carpark with my brother too . ten we reach there . we kanna ,scold by mye grandma . then whole peeps watching us . WTH ! then ie went home with mye cousin to take bag . then after thatwent to meet nara . pass him Hadia's charger . then ie end up in edu ! Y 1:20 AM ahhaas . today went to bugis . then lost my ezlink card . nehmind . iloveyou .
Friday, March 21, 2008 Y 9:04 PM now at my aunt house . iloveyou . :D Wednesday, March 19, 2008 Y 3:20 PM bored ~ yeaterday weizhong and stella break lehr . Wednesday, March 12, 2008 Y 8:50 PM ahhaahahas . today ie just get a new gan jie . STELLA ! haas . she is weizhong stead lahs ! congra them luhs . haas . ie don really rmb today whats happen nahs . just quite happy because dont rmb anything . :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ! how ie wish everyday will be like this . today eat dinner with marc, peter. hadi, bryan and nara . the afterthat we went to cat slack . haas . then like that . cant we sister be together and there no gap ? we camt be in , different grp yoos see . we must be together so we call a sister . Angela, Amelia, BeeHan, Charlotte, Dionis, PohYng . we arr sister right ? whye cant be togther again ? ie miss your . ie really do . rmb the timt we went ourt together as a sister having fun and jokes ? ie hope tha will happen again ! Sunday, March 9, 2008 Y 12:12 AM ie never blod long time lehr . ie miss mye blog ! haas . ytd ton at nara house with two of his friend . because dont want to go home . ie slept on his bed . two of his freind slept on the floor plus him . then afternoon went to meet marc . because need my parent to went out first . then i kanna force de . cann . then we went to bedok south to find nara . actually want tom play comp then never . because they dontwant . then we take cabbe from there to cat . then we went to meet john . afterthat marc asked me, oeter, nara and john to go to his house . then we all said that if john then we go . because we know that john wont go . ie went to buy smth . then return back . marc already gone . then . nara, peter and me went to eat prata . afterthat ie went home . ie bathed . ie watch dvd . then ie fall a sleep . wah\ke up is already nine . then ie ask my mother wher is she ? then she at downstair . wanted to come up to the jouse lehr . then she was taking a long time lahs ! then eat lehr . then now happened to be in edu ! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ! yinjie, takecares in taiwan . Monday, March 3, 2008 Y 10:27 PM Blahs ! long time never blog lehr . Laughs ~ Aiiyahs. ie dont like going to school sai ! always testtest ! fuckkkkk ! nehmind . yoos see how a express class can be ? stress right ? ie know lahs ! ytd ie went to pierce targus right ? should be . ie went to woodland pierce ! it cost me three dollar . nytheway arlso nort my money . my cousin treat . alrso dont knw whats ytd soecial day . haas . then quite pain nahs ! then she want pierce too . then today go school lanlan de . because lazy . the gort music . then gort english . they need to present . then cher say that the shortest short that the peeps have in the group will represent . then today my unlucky day . my socks havent wash . then need represent . then ie dot even knw whats their handwrittin . then ie damn nervous . then the passagge was long . ie was told to sumarise it . then ie did . sumarise until a or two sentence. XD ! then ie place at the last . so nice . but reading still gort hole . then recess lehr . when eating . Angela's piercing all kanna caught then the studs all confiscated . Angela plaease cher to dont confiscated but cher say cannort . then bobain luhs ! then we faster run away ! escape for your life . haas . then science . today we learnt abt lights ! quite intersting . ie want to learnt colours ! then maths . listening carefully hors . this was intersting . Mrtan came to teach us . then he use phua chu kang to make example ! this was eddited ! |
Biography ![]() ♡ AmeliaCheng. ♡ Sweet Fourteen going Fifteen. ♡JianWei's, ♡ SOTA; my dream schl. Friendster Acc. ![]() My dear, Jianwei. I do really love you but, you always think that, i dont love you engf. 150109, 8.15pm. ![]() Althought, i didnt spent much time with your I know your will be a good, funny&cute class. Friendly 3F'09 Craving TRUE LOVE. Beehan and Jinxiang last long Angela and Kailun last long (L) Boyfriend. Djmax. Endless money. More freedom. MP3 player. New computer. New handphone. Hair: Rebonding. Piercings: Eyebrow piercing. Nose piercing. Re-piercing of lip. Tops: Hoodies. Blue Tube. Black Tube. Another red cardigan. Batman tee. I♥NY tee. Bottoms: Lime colour FBTS. Different colours of hotpants. Speak Runaway My Boyf, Jian wei. ♥A Amanda. Ann Chen. Angela. Annie. Alan. Amelia. Axel. ♥B Beehan . Billy ♥C Carrisa. Charlotte. Charmaine. ♥D Dennise. Dionis. ♥E Emelyn. EugeniaCheng. Elvy. ♥F FaFa. Felicia. ♥G Grace. ♥H Huihui. ♥J Jacqueline. Jenny. Jezrika Jin xiang. Jocelyn. Jolene. ♥K Khairaa. ♥L Laozhabor. Leeying. Linda. ♥M Mangting. ♥P Peiyi. ♥Q Qiuheng. ♥R Rannie. Roubing ♥S Siman. Siyun. Sharon. SongEn ♥T Tiffany. Tiqaa ♥W Wanghong. Wenn. ♥X Xiaofu. Xiaokitt. Xueqing. Xiufeng. Rewind August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 February 2010 March 2010 June 2010 August 2012 April 2016 June 2016 July 2016 August 2016 Thanks Basecode: /♥s}summerkisses} Designer: ♥bangthewall. |