Tuesday, February 26, 2008 Y 11:52 PM fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ! i'm shakin can ? bytheway ie no time lehr ! Tuesday, February 12, 2008 Y 2:03 PM today ie never go school . because ie am late ! aiiyahs . its a long story bytheway . ielove my candyfloss ! but ie never see her before uhs .. we will be best candyfloss ever ! we will be . Laughs ~ then ie was with angela, beehan, bernard and bernards friend . then we now at edu . just now miss tan call me . she said :'amelia, whye today you didnt come to school .' me:*quiet* mstan:"you be frank with me do you have a MC? " me: "yahrs " mstan: "did your mother know about it ? " me : "yahrs? " mstan : "your mother bring you to the doctor ? " mstan :"ok, ta ke good care of yourself . me: "sure, byes "
nevermind . here gort two MC . ie own her de !
then we cant go into MSN ! can ue ? ie dont knw whye ehs ! i'm bored .
yeahpe . tmr gort P.E we can on diet ! then tmr he alrso gort P.E .
再见 {:
Monday, February 11, 2008 Y 10:53 PM ❥ The days you left meeee alone is already hurting meeeee, cant you just dont leave meee alone ? . ❥boy, you know how much you mean to me ? ❥you does nort realise that . ❥because ie dont show it ourt ! ❥when will you understant the feeling that ie give it to you ? ❥ie hope someday you will ! today . ie finally see you in school . the feeling was like so hard to explain ! i'm today late again . yesterday night ie was thinking of you . i'm so excited that todayh the school will be re-opening . i will be able to see you again . thats whye yesterday night i unable to sleep . ie miss you so much . school was boredd . i'm late for 6 th time lehs . they haven't give meeee suspension yet . ie today go detention with rregina . then after that we went to her's house downstairs . ie went there to pierce lip . i take 10 min to pierce . ie broke my record then today ie continue watching 'one missed call' iloveit ! then ie gort two hole on my lips . Sunday, February 10, 2008 Y 10:11 PM ie now watching the 'one missed call ' then ie watch the jap version de . its scary . by the ring tone sia. ie watching it at my cousin house . scary and intersting to find out more about it ! and toooooooooooooooooooday is a fucking day ! before that ie went to x-craft and bought a piercing needle for lipp. its costv 2.90 niia sia .\ nehmind . damn cheap cann ? then ie need to back to the show on crunchyroll lehr . reply to tagg Eugenis.C: ie dont know ehs . but ie dont think ie getting skinny lehs . maybe oooooooooooooooooooooooof my lliness bahs ? tony: cannort ahs ? ie miss you ! :DDDDDDDD ! wh : whatsn your url ? alston : sorry never go meet you ! ie miss my boy that ie love lahs ! ie miss christopher !
Biography ![]() ♡ AmeliaCheng. ♡ Sweet Fourteen going Fifteen. ♡JianWei's, ♡ SOTA; my dream schl. Friendster Acc. ![]() My dear, Jianwei. I do really love you but, you always think that, i dont love you engf. 150109, 8.15pm. ![]() Althought, i didnt spent much time with your I know your will be a good, funny&cute class. Friendly 3F'09 Craving TRUE LOVE. Beehan and Jinxiang last long Angela and Kailun last long (L) Boyfriend. Djmax. Endless money. More freedom. MP3 player. New computer. New handphone. Hair: Rebonding. Piercings: Eyebrow piercing. Nose piercing. Re-piercing of lip. Tops: Hoodies. Blue Tube. Black Tube. Another red cardigan. Batman tee. I♥NY tee. Bottoms: Lime colour FBTS. Different colours of hotpants. Speak Runaway My Boyf, Jian wei. ♥A Amanda. Ann Chen. Angela. Annie. Alan. Amelia. Axel. ♥B Beehan . Billy ♥C Carrisa. Charlotte. Charmaine. ♥D Dennise. Dionis. ♥E Emelyn. EugeniaCheng. Elvy. ♥F FaFa. Felicia. ♥G Grace. ♥H Huihui. ♥J Jacqueline. Jenny. Jezrika Jin xiang. Jocelyn. Jolene. ♥K Khairaa. ♥L Laozhabor. Leeying. Linda. ♥M Mangting. ♥P Peiyi. ♥Q Qiuheng. ♥R Rannie. Roubing ♥S Siman. Siyun. Sharon. SongEn ♥T Tiffany. Tiqaa ♥W Wanghong. Wenn. ♥X Xiaofu. Xiaokitt. Xueqing. Xiufeng. Rewind August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 February 2010 March 2010 June 2010 August 2012 April 2016 June 2016 July 2016 August 2016 Thanks Basecode: /♥s}summerkisses} Designer: ♥bangthewall. |