Wednesday, October 31, 2007 Y 5:42 PM tody was totally moddy . msNg made me and angela stay back. in the end beehan stay back with us. ie miss roubing. bytheway i now at wang hong house . beehan with angela . roubing with xiaofu and hui hui. now very siian nohr, but at least can play comp at wang hong house. ie miss everyone except those who USED me. *reply to taggs so what if you see my latest post? Wednesday, October 24, 2007 Y 4:52 PM today not really got thing to post lahr . again roubing and beehan pon school . tmr take report book lahr ! ie miss him ! ie cant give up on him ,really. now at angela house Friday, October 19, 2007 Y 5:55 PM today pon school . meet beehan in the morning , then she go her ahma house take money for eateat . then her daddy dont give .[: actually meeting marc but never . then go home . ME ,kanna scold by daddy ! then wanna go eastcoast withg my cousin ,grace . intheend ,nvr go . then while waiting for my mummy . my teacher called my mum . not ask why i pon but can take re-exam [: cool ,happy . ieloveyou ! ytd then find ourt ie loveyou ! now at my big auntie house ! B-Y-E-S Saturday, October 13, 2007 Y 10:59 PM ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() keai ,happy birthday ! now at roubing house ! NIGHTS! Sunday, October 7, 2007 Y 4:04 PM *edited todai i was very bored , cannot message my piggy . and my xiuxiu . she do look cute and her behavior nohr [: . then actually wanna study for my maths , but i was lazy and nobody pei me nohr. angela called me and ask me , go her house study . ie cant ,then decided to go my cousin house play comp . it was really far [: blk 526 . then playing her comp nohr . nothing to blog neh . now find out me and beehan was not close lehr ]: ie want to end my world ,can i ? PLEASE , i just want to rest . just tweelve hour will do . RELLY , can i ? B-Y-E-S Saturday, October 6, 2007 Y 9:37 PM today do really wake up earl. is aldy ten. then go my mama shop before ie go eastcoast then was really tulan[: they dont want to fetch me, then want me to find my own way, with their stupid information. then go buy mac , eat under the tree. then feel like i was stupid , to go east coast. then nevermind nohr. saw them walking on the way , towards me. then go bugerking , drink water and singsing except me. then we go play bowling. go funland upstairs. saw shuaige keep diao roubing. then we keep follow eh , cause nothing to do . then follow them until pp sian. omg ,they run away. then we walk our own . astually he not like RB , but beehan and xiuxiu. now at roubing house. angela at xiuxiu house .\ then now i find out , i go eastcoast never play sand instead playing game in funlan. should be go home lehr B-Y-E-S Wednesday, October 3, 2007 Y 4:40 PM ie wanna thanks my jie for, helping me to made the blog nnicer [:. today pon school . suddenly roubing at my living room. very surprised she came , from tampiness to bedok north just to look for me[: ieloveher . then at mac do history revision, do for four hours , and just found out that beehan lie to me again , KNN. then go ployclinic. a idiot man want em and roubing number , fuck him luhr. then went to PP, then asked my jiemei to go , but none of them go luhr ]: then lover find back her handphone lehr [: we two very happy and excited , wanna take back and take back but cant cause pon school. then go eateat[: the manager keep tiao roubing , actually today many pepole diao roubing. all MEN then before we go home , roubing go putput hole in ear [: then ie went to roubing houe and play comp, just to play comp[: . now at roubing house [: Tuesday, October 2, 2007 Y 6:42 PM today was totaly bored , nothing to do about. IEMISSHER!! roubing did come to school, but go back home . she had fever and need to go home. woried for her. after school go opp blk, meet angela ,beeehan ,charlotte and poh ying. we slack ther for a little while and saw leo! we draw his bag until very nice REALLY. then go home lehr , behan seems to go angela house, then me ,charlotte and phying went to mac. then go back to school there, find addie not me but charlotte. but in the end is pohying find jie lun then three o fus go home . now at pohying house [; Monday, October 1, 2007 Y 10:32 PM Amelia mei mei mei! You should thank me! Your link so luan! I help you make nice nice! :D Hahas! LOL! Must go by alphabet de ma ! :D Okay ? What's wrong with you an beehan bytheway? D: |
Biography ![]() ♡ AmeliaCheng. ♡ Sweet Fourteen going Fifteen. ♡JianWei's, ♡ SOTA; my dream schl. Friendster Acc. ![]() My dear, Jianwei. I do really love you but, you always think that, i dont love you engf. 150109, 8.15pm. ![]() Althought, i didnt spent much time with your I know your will be a good, funny&cute class. Friendly 3F'09 Craving TRUE LOVE. Beehan and Jinxiang last long Angela and Kailun last long (L) Boyfriend. Djmax. Endless money. More freedom. MP3 player. New computer. New handphone. Hair: Rebonding. Piercings: Eyebrow piercing. Nose piercing. Re-piercing of lip. Tops: Hoodies. Blue Tube. Black Tube. Another red cardigan. Batman tee. I♥NY tee. Bottoms: Lime colour FBTS. Different colours of hotpants. Speak Runaway My Boyf, Jian wei. ♥A Amanda. Ann Chen. Angela. Annie. Alan. Amelia. Axel. ♥B Beehan . Billy ♥C Carrisa. Charlotte. Charmaine. ♥D Dennise. Dionis. ♥E Emelyn. EugeniaCheng. Elvy. ♥F FaFa. Felicia. ♥G Grace. ♥H Huihui. ♥J Jacqueline. Jenny. Jezrika Jin xiang. Jocelyn. Jolene. ♥K Khairaa. ♥L Laozhabor. Leeying. Linda. ♥M Mangting. ♥P Peiyi. ♥Q Qiuheng. ♥R Rannie. Roubing ♥S Siman. Siyun. Sharon. SongEn ♥T Tiffany. Tiqaa ♥W Wanghong. Wenn. ♥X Xiaofu. Xiaokitt. Xueqing. Xiufeng. Rewind August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 February 2010 March 2010 June 2010 August 2012 April 2016 June 2016 July 2016 August 2016 Thanks Basecode: /♥s}summerkisses} Designer: ♥bangthewall. |